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Meson: Support Visual Studio builds as well

Chun-wei Fan requested to merge meson.msvc into wip/kjellahl/meson-build


This MR attempts to add Visual Studio support for the Meson build system that is proposed for pangomm (see MR !4 (merged)). This more or less covers what is currently done in the NMake Makefiles. Some notes about this part:

  • Visual Studio 2017 15.7 or later is required, and is checked for in the configure step
  • Building directly from a GIT checkout is currently not supported, due to m4 requirements.
  • glibmm-2.63.1+, cairomm-1.15.1+ and sigc++3.0+ are looked for manually, so the INCLUDE and LIB envvars must be set correctly if not already done so. The INCLUDE envvar should include the paths to the appropriate glibmm.h, glibmmconfig.h, cairomm.h, cairommconfig.h, sigc++/sigc++.h and sigc++config.h, as well as the base include directories that contains glibmm-2.64/glibmm.h, cairomm-1.16/cairomm/cairomm.h, sigc++-3.0/sigc++/sigc++.h, glibmm-2.64\include\glibmmconfig.h, cairomm-1.16\include\cairommconfig.h and sigc++\include\sigc++config.h. The LIB envvar should contain the .lib files for glibmm-2.63.1+, cairomm-1.15.1+ and sigc++-3.x.

With blessings, thank you!

Merge request reports