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  • Chun-wei Fan's avatar
    build: Add fallbacks for finding non-GNOME deps on MSVC · 18fb749d
    Chun-wei Fan authored
    Many of Pango's dependencies do not support a build system for Visual
    Studio that would generate the pkg-config files for them, so we need to
    try to look for them using cc.has_header() and cc.find_library() for
    them, namely for Cairo, FreeType, FontConfig and HarfBuzz as fallbacks.
    For Cairo, things are more complicated as there are multiple build
    options and configurations for it, so we need to check for those that we
    need after we find the Cairo headers and libraries by:
    -Including the respective headers (for cairo-win32.h, cairo-ps.h,
     cairo-pdf.h, cairo-quartz.h and cairo-xlib.h, since these features
     must have been enabled when Cairo is built and installed in order for
     those headers to be succesfully included)
    -For pangocairo with FreeType support, we need to check whether the
     FontConfig support is built into Cairo as well, as FontConfig support
     is actually required in Cairo for this.
    -For Cairo/PNG output surface support, check whether Cai...