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  • Benjamin Otte's avatar
    tests: Add spiced up wrapping tests · 3eae7170
    Benjamin Otte authored and Matthias Clasen's avatar Matthias Clasen committed
    * Generate random string that looks like a sentence.
    * Measure the size at 100 random widths.
    * assert that for those widths, when sorted, the measured widths
      are increasing and the heights are decreasing.
    * Generate random string that looks like a sentence.
    * Generate a 2nd string adding hyphen + newline after every char of
      original string.
    * Assert that wrap-char wrap with width=0 is not larger than the width
      of the 2nd string
    The tests also generate random strings in LTR, RTL or both at the same
    time to spice the test up even more.
    It does that by picking random words out of hunspell directories, and if
    none are installed, it falls back to lorem ipsum.