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  • Joanmarie Diggs's avatar
    Ensure we announce role and content of elements with ARIA's separator role · 384ae576
    Joanmarie Diggs authored
    In the case of Chromium, we were announcing the role, but not checking
    for text content; in the case of Firefox, we were finding a child of the
    separator with text but not then presenting the ancestor separator. This
    fix causes us to handle both cases.
    Also, don't present values for non-focused separators. Non-focusable
    separators are not supposed to implement the value interface. But if an
    author slaps a tabindex value of -1 on them, then user agents seem to
    treat them as focusable and expose the value interface on them, complete
    with default values which are likely useless noise given the object is
    not serving as a widget.