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  • Joaquim Rocha's avatar
    Port to Python 3 · 8615aff3
    Joaquim Rocha authored
    Python 3 has been around for a while now, and Python 2 is going away
    in Debian soon, so a port was due.
    These changes represent the port and were done by using lib2to3, with
    a few manual editions to add more needed changes (like dropping the
    attempt to encode a string), or dropping some unnecessary ones, e.g.
    iterating through an object as returned by the dict's keys() method
    is fine, but lib2to3 still creates a list for it.
    Special thanks to Reuben (@reubot on GNOME Gitlab) for having done an
    initial MR for the port, which made me want to move this foward (but
    I am pushing a different commit as it needed many changes).