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  • Carlos Soriano Sánchez's avatar
    window: Hide starred items in the sidebar if not items present · d08d4c8f
    Carlos Soriano Sánchez authored
    We were always showing the starred item in the sidebar, with an empty
    state in the resulting view if no starred file was present.
    This is usually what we want for regular items. However, in 3.28 the
    feature is not working as good as we expected for those not using
    the tracker directories as heavily as other users.
    In order to prevent being too annoying, we can hide the sidebar item if
    no starred files are present, while still providing the context menu
    to be able to use the feature.
    This can be reverted once we are able to star any file, once tracker has
    the required API to star a file and have a sync callback for its result.
    Closes: #338