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  • John Sullivan's avatar
    reviewed by: Maciej Stachowiak <> · bc5a63eb
    John Sullivan authored
    	Fixed bug 2328 (No way to go to a specific URI if location
    	bar is hidden)
    	Fixed by adding a new item "Location ..." to the Go menu,
    	with control-L as keyboard shortcut. ("Create Link", formerly
    	control-L, is now "Make Link", control-M.) Choosing "Location ..."
    	makes the location bar visible if necessary and selects the
    	location text field's contents so you can start typing to replace
    	it. If the location bar had been hidden, it will hide itself again
    	when you hit Return.
    	At the same time, made the "Find" menu item (control-F) always
    	show the Find controls and move the focus there, instead of
    	toggling between Find & Browse. The Find toolbar button remains
    	a toggle button.
    	Fixed bug 3590 (Remove workaround for Bonobo design flaw)
    	Fixed bug 7303 (Conflicts on menu item underline accelerators)
    	Fixed these incidentally when working on 2328.
    	* src/file-manager/fm-directory-view.c: (real_update_menus):
    	* src/file-manager/nautilus-directory-view-ui.xml:
    	Changed Create Link(s) to Make Link(s), and changed its
    	accelerator to Control-M.
    	* src/nautilus-location-bar.c:
    	(real_activate): select all text when activating (used to
    	just grab focus)
    	(nautilus_location_bar_initialize): Changed definition
    	of entry to be a NautilusEntry.
    	* src/nautilus-shell-ui.xml: added "Location ..." item in
    	Go menu; renamed some commands and items for clarity;
    	moved a couple of accelerators into verbs.
    	* src/nautilus-switchable-navigation-bar.h:
    	* src/nautilus-switchable-navigation-bar.c:
    	Broke _activate out of _set_mode and made it
    	public; tweaked _set_mode a little.
    	* src/nautilus-window-private.h: Added temporary_navigation_bar
    	boolean to details struct.
    	* src/nautilus-window-menus.c:
    	(nautilus_window_show_location_bar_temporarily): New function,
    	shows location bar and sets the flag to hide it after it
    	signals for a location change.
    	(file_menu_find_callback): New function, switches to find mode,
    	showing location bar temporarily if necessary.
    	(toolbar_toggle_find_mode_callback): renamed from file_menu_xxx
    	now that it's only used by the toolbar, toggles Find mode,
    	showing location bar temporarily if necessary.
    	(go_menu_location_callback): New function, switches to browse mode,
    	showing location bar temporarily if necessary.
    	(nautilus_window_initialize_menus_part_1): futz with verbs for
    	these menu items.
    	(nautilus_window_update_find_menu_item): Remove this call since
    	the menu item is no longer dynamic.
    	(nautilus_window_remove_go_menu_items): Remove call to
    	* src/nautilus-window.c:
    	(go_to_callback): Cleaned up style a little.
    	(navigation_bar_location_changed_callback): New function, called
    	when location bar says "hey, here's a new location for you".
    	Hides the location bar if it was temporarily showing.
    	(navigation_bar_mode_changed_callback): Remove call to
    	(nautilus_window_constructed): Wire up
    	(nautilus_window_hide_location_bar): Clear the
    	temporary_navigation_bar flag.
    	* components/text/nautilus-text-view-ui.xml: Change _Fonts to
    	F_onts to avoid conflict with _File.