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  • Darin Adler's avatar
    Ignore the generated files in this new directory. · b6258ecd
    Darin Adler authored
    	* components/services/trilobite/src/.cvsignore:
    	Ignore the generated files in this new directory.
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-gnome-extensions.h:
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-gnome-extensions.c:
    	(convert_varargs_to_name_array), (nautilus_simple_dialog):
    	Moved simple-dialog function from dfos. It just calls
    	gnome_dialog with the right options.
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-gtk-extensions.h:
    	Added another marshal function.
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-icon-container.h:
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-icon-private.h:
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-icon-container.c:
    	(reload_icon_positions), (nautilus_icon_container_move_icon),
    	Reorganized signals. Added NautilusIconPosition to simplify
    	the interface for signals that deal with icon position. Removed the
    	now-unused icon_text_edit_occurred signal. Added the layout_changed
    	signal. Added nautilus_icon_container_sort function. Moved some code
    	out of the "omit self check" conditional.
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-icon-dnd.c:
    	(confirm_switch_to_manual_layout), (handle_local_move): Added code
    	that switches to manual layout if you move an icon within the window
    	and it's on auto layout.
    	* src/file-manager/dfos-xfer.h:
    	* src/file-manager/dfos-xfer.c: (handle_xfer_vfs_error),
    	(handle_xfer_overwrite), (dfos_xfer): Switch code to use the new
    	nautilus_simple_dialog instead of file_operation_alert, which I
    	removed from here.
    	* src/file-manager/fm-icon-view.c:
    	(get_stored_icon_position_callback), (update_layout_menus),
    	(fm_icon_view_begin_loading), (auto_layout_callback),
    	(manual_layout_callback), (layout_changed_callback),
    	(fm_icon_view_merge_menus), (icon_position_changed_callback),
    	Added workaround for Bonobo bug where it calls the radio menu item
    	callback that was making it always use auto layout. Converted to use
    	the updated signal parameters. Added a signal handler to update the
    	layout menu to match the layout when the layout is changed elsewhere.
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