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  • Pavel Cisler's avatar
    reviewed by: Darin Adler <> · a085188c
    Pavel Cisler authored
    2000-12-12  Pavel Cisler <>
    	reviewed by: Darin Adler <>
    	Fixed 4954 Nautilus crashes attempting to empty a .Trash
    	containing undeletable files
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-file-operations.c:
    	(build_error_string), (handle_xfer_vfs_error)
    	Reworked the error message building logic. Split up
    	the routine into a part that decides what the interesting
    	input for building the error message is and a part that
    	actually builds the error message. Fixed a number
    	of cases where a wrong error message would be used. The
    	actual bug in the bug report was one of the cases -- an assert
    	catching a case that was not handled properly.
    	part of -- 638 When a new volume gets mounted, integrate its Trash
    	part of -- 4143 Files dragged to trash icon on desktop seem to
    	part of -- 4963 Files dragged to Trash from floppy don't appear
    	in Trash,
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-trash-monitor.c:
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-trash-monitor.h:
    	Added a new call that returns a list of all the Trash directories
    	on all the mouted volumes.
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-trash-directory.c: (add_volume):
    	Got rid of get_volume_vfs_uri_if_writable.
    	Used the new nautilus_volume_monitor_should_integrate_trash instead
    	to pick the volumes that can support trash.
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-volume-monitor.c:
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-volume-monitor.h:
    	Add new helper calls used by the routine that collects all the
    	trash uris from all mouted volumes.
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-file-operations.c:
    	Pass in a list of Trash directories instead of just the
    	single trash in the user's home directory.
    	2443 Trash is only found on EXT2 volumes
    	2444 Trash on read-only volumes is not displayed
    	remaining part of -- 4143 Files dragged to trash icon on desktop
    	seem to vanish,
    	remaining part of -- 4963 Files dragged to Trash from floppy
    	don't appear in Trash,
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-volume-monitor.c:
    	Removed the old logic from get_volume_vfs_uri_if_writable
    	that only displayed trash from writable ext2 volumes.
    	Enumerated all the file system types that we know can
    	support trash.
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