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  • Masahiro Sakai's avatar
    Call AC_LIBTOOL_WIN32_DLL which is necessary for building shared library · 2dbe9bfa
    Masahiro Sakai authored
    2003-05-03  Masahiro Sakai  <>
    	* Call AC_LIBTOOL_WIN32_DLL which is necessary for
    	building shared library on win32 platform. Check fstab.h.
    	* components/emblem/ (libnautilus_emblem_view_la_LDFLAGS):
    	* components/history/ (libnautilus_history_view_la_LDFLAGS):
    	* components/image_properties/ (libnautilus_image_properties_view_la_LDFLAGS):
    	* components/notes/ (libnautilus_notes_view_la_LDFLAGS):
    	* components/tree/ (libnautilus_tree_view_la_LDFLAGS):
    	* libnautilus/ (libnautilus_la_LDFLAGS):
    	* libnautilus-adapter/ (libnautilus_adapter_la_LDFLAGS):
    	* libnautilus-private/ (libnautilus_private_la_LDFLAGS):
    	Add -no-undefined which is necessary for building shared library
    	on some platforms (e.g. Win32, BeOS, etc).
    	* libnautilus-adapter/ (libnautilus_adapter_la_LIBADD):
    	Fix library order. lib...
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