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  • Andy Hertzfeld's avatar
    added a way for sidebar views to specify small images that are displayed · 0f7c34df
    Andy Hertzfeld authored
    	added a way for sidebar views to specify small images that
    	are displayed in their tab for notification purposes.  Used
    	that to make the notes component indicate if a note is present or
    	* components/notes/nautilus-notes.c: (get_bonobo_properties),
    	(set_bonobo_properties), (load_note_text_from_metadata),
    	(done_with_file), (notes_load_metainfo),
    	(notify_listeners_if_changed), (notes_save_metainfo), (do_destroy),
    	(notes_get_indicator_image), (make_notes_view):
    	added a property bag to the notes component to provide a tab_image
    	property, and made it notify the listeners when the note text
    	* icons/
    	* icons/note-indicator.png:
    	new notes indicator image from Arlo.
    	* src/nautilus-sidebar-tabs.c: (tab_item_destroy),
    	(pixbuf_composite), (draw_one_tab_plain), (draw_one_tab_themed),
    	(get_tab_width), (draw_or_layout_all_tabs),
    	(nautilus_sidebar_tabs_update_tab_item), (get_tab_item_from_view),
    	* src/nautilus-sidebar-tabs.h:
    	made the sidebar tabs hook up to the nautilus_view's tab_image
    	property and use it to display a notification image in the tab
    	if necessary.
    	* src/nautilus-sidebar.c: (view_loaded_callback),
    	connect the sidebar tabs to a newly added view, once the view
    	is loaded.
    	* src/nautilus-view-frame.c: (nautilus_view_frame_get_control):
    	* src/nautilus-view-frame.h:
    	added nautilus_view_frame_get_control so view properties can be
    	accessed by the sidebar.