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AdwTabView + AdwTabBar

Alice Mikhaylenko requested to merge wip/exalm/libhandy into master


Things That Don't Work:

  1. Window detaching - the resulting window is in a weird mixed state
  2. See the video:


  1. Dropping files onto tabs; automatic switching when you hover tabs
  2. keynav needs figuring out, see epiphany!814 (comment 907349)
  3. Tab opening and closing behavior right now is completely different from ephy. Not sure if this is desired:
  • New tab page/menu item open new tab after the current tab, not at the end
  • Opening multiple files in new tabs will append each one after the current tab, rather than the last opened one, resulting in reverse order
  • Closing a tab switches to the most recently used tab rather than the previous one

Depends on libhandy!606 (merged)

Edited by Christopher Davis

Merge request reports