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  • Maciej Stachowiak's avatar
    Fix warnings. · e992a1c7
    Maciej Stachowiak authored
    2000-01-03  Maciej Stachowiak  <>
    	* src/ntl-prefs.c: Fix warnings.
    	* src/ntl-view.c, src/ntl-view.h, src/ntl-view-frame-svr.c
    	nautilus_view_notify_selection_change, nautilus_view_load_state,
    	nautilus_view_save_state, nautilus_view_show_properties): Made
    	these functions public and removed the corresponding signals;
    	these are operations you do to the NautilusView, not something it
    	informs other parts of the program of.
    	(request_location_change, request_selection_change,
    	request_status_change, request_progress_change): New
    	signals. These allow NautilusView to have less dependence on
    	(nautilus_view_signals): Moved signal number table from view to
    	this static variable.
    	nautilus_view_request_progress_change): Move to ntl-view.c and
    	make them emit the proper signals in lieu of hardcoded handling.
    	* src/ntl-window.c, src/ntl-window.h src/ntl-window-msgs.c,
    	src/ntl-window-msgs.h, src/ntl-window-state.c
    	(request_location_change, request_selection_change,
    	request_status_change, request_progress_change): Removed these
    	signals; they are operations you do on a NautilusWindow, not
    	something it notifies you of, and any usefulness for inheritance
    	purposes is purely speculative right now.
    	(nautilus_window_connect_view, nautilus_window_disconnect_view):
    	Use these new helper functions to connect callbacks to
    	NautilusView's signals instead of expecting them to just get
    	nautilus_view_request_progress_change): Execute bodies of real_
    	versions instead of emitting singals.
    	nautilus_view_real_request_progress_change): Removed these.
    	Finally, always call nautilus_winodow_set_content_view or
    	nautilus_window_add_meta_view before calling
    	nautilus_view_load_client to make sure no signals are lost.
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