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  • António Fernandes's avatar
    window-slot: Always hide search bar when changing location · 9a51af84
    António Fernandes authored
    We have code which tries not to hide the search entry in case the user
    opens it and, before inserting any query, decides to switch location.
    This was introduced by commit 9ab3c5c7
    According to that commit message, it was restoring an old behavior that
    was lost during a refactoring. I did not confirm this nor track the
    original reason for this behavior, but, if I had to guess, I'd say it
    comes from before "just-type" search was introduced. Otherwise, why go
    to the trouble of keeping the search entry visible when you can just
    type anyway?
    I see no reason to assume the location change means they want to search
    another location. They may have just recalled the exact path they were
    looking for, so they lost the reason to search.
    Anyway, this behavior is not working at all in recent versions. Not
    sure when it stopped working, but apparently nobody has missed it.
    Least this dead code interfere with the upcoming global search mode,
    let's remove it.