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  • Martin Wehner's avatar
    Don't connect the changed signal handler on the view as combobox each time · e83d94f8
    Martin Wehner authored
    2006-12-18  Martin Wehner  <>
    	* src/nautilus-navigation-window.c:
    	(nautilus_navigation_window_instance_init), (load_view_as_menu):
    	Don't connect the changed signal handler on the view as combobox
    	each time the contents of the combobox are reloaded, but only on
    	instantiation. Prevents creating as many view instances as times
    	the view/location was already changed when using the view as menu.
    	(This is a pretty bad bug and possibly the cause of many of the
    	strange crashes we've been getting over the last year. It'd also
    	explain why most of these bugs almost exlusively occurred on Ubuntu,
    	as they	use browser mode per default).
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