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  • Darin Adler's avatar
    Ignore the new files that are generated by Gene's new .idl. · da87340b
    Darin Adler authored
    	* libnautilus-extensions/.cvsignore: Ignore the new files that
    	are generated by Gene's new .idl.
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-debug.h:
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-debug.c:
    	Changed the interface on Pavel's excellent new debugging function.
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-directory.c:
    	(file_open_callback), (file_close_callback), (open_and_close_one),
    	(nautilus_self_check_directory): Added some checks for GNOME VFS
    	in here. This is a bad place for them but it's better than not
    	having them at all.
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-icon-factory.c:
    	(nautilus_self_check_icon_factory): Updated self checks so they
    	work again. John didn't notice that he needed to fix these when
    	he added the 20-pixel size icon to the standard sizees.