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  • Carlos Soriano Sánchez's avatar
    general: add uncrustify script · 4cafccd8
    Carlos Soriano Sánchez authored
    The current style of nautilus is rather poor and mixes at least 3
    different code styles.
    Specific issues that affect the most common contributors to Nautilus
    performance are:
    - tabs for multiline alignment.
    - mix of tabs and spaces.
    - errors on no braced one liners conditionals.
    - errors on non braced case statements with variable declarations.
    So I would say requirements for the style is to address the previous
    issues and also be a well known style. I don't want new contributors
    to see a new style completely different from C books authors.
    So far, I found Allman (aka BSD) style which seems the choice of most C
    books authors as far as I can see on internet, and it address the
    previous mentioned issues.
    Since uncrustify doesn't support the aligment of parameters we do for
    multiple stars "**", we also added a script made by Sebastian Wilmet
    to align those.
    As a matter of practicity I'm going to convert all Nautilus style to
    this one, and if the next person who contributes...