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  • Darin Adler's avatar
    reviewed by: John Sullivan <> · d566827e
    Darin Adler authored
    	Did most of the work for bug 5779, separating out the Eazel logos
    	so they won't be used by non-Eazel folks making changes to
    	Nautilus if they choose to do "non-approved" changes (allowed by
    	GPL of course).
    	* Add new logos.
    	* Add eazel-logos and eazel-logos/throbber.
    	* Add the eazel-logos subdirectory.
    	* eazel-logos/ Created.
    	* eazel-logos/throbber/ Created.
    	* components/services/nautilus-dependent-shared/icons/eazel-logo-right-side-logo.png:
    	* icons/About_Image.png:
    	* icons/about_background.png:
    	* icons/default.xml:
    	* icons/druid_header.png:
    	* icons/throbber/001.png:
    	* icons/throbber/002.png:
    	* icons/throbber/003.png:
    	* icons/throbber/004.png:
    	* icons/throbber/005.png:
    	* icons/throbber/006.png:
    	* icons/throbber/007.png:
    	* icons/throbber/008.png:
    	* icons/throbber/009.png:
    	* icons/throbber/010.png:
    	* icons/throbber/011.png:
    	* icons/throbber/012.png:
    	* icons/throbber/013.png:
    	* icons/throbber/014.png:
    	* icons/throbber/015.png:
    	* icons/throbber/016.png:
    	* icons/throbber/017.png:
    	* icons/throbber/018.png:
    	* icons/throbber/019.png:
    	* icons/throbber/020.png:
    	* icons/throbber/021.png:
    	* icons/throbber/022.png:
    	* icons/throbber/023.png:
    	* icons/throbber/024.png:
    	* icons/throbber/025.png:
    	* icons/throbber/026.png:
    	* icons/throbber/027.png:
    	* icons/throbber/028.png:
    	* icons/throbber/029.png:
    	* icons/throbber/030.png:
    	* icons/throbber/
    	* icons/throbber/rest.png:
    	Updated with non-logo versions.
    	Did 90% of the work for bug 6950 (need new report_redirect call in
    	addition to report_location_change). While working on that, I also
    	moved the deferral of outgoing calls that is done in the Mozilla
    	component so that it is done by the NautilusView class instead.
    	* libnautilus/nautilus-view-component.idl: Added report_redirect.
    	* libnautilus/nautilus-view.h: Added report_redirect.
    	* libnautilus/nautilus-view.c: (queue_outgoing_call): Added
    	queing for the outgoing side.
    	(nautilus_view_initialize): Allocate queue.
    	(nautilus_view_destroy): Deallocate queue.
    	(str_list_copy): Utility needed here because we can't use
    	(list_free_deep_callback): New. Used in queuing code.
    	(free_location_plus_callback): New. Used in queueing code.
    	(call_report_location_change), (call_report_redirect),
    	(call_report_selection_change), (call_report_status),
    	(call_report_load_underway), (call_report_load_progress),
    	(call_report_load_complete), (call_report_load_failed),
    	(call_set_title), (call_go_back): Functions that get queued.
    	These have the bulk of the code to do work.
    	(nautilus_view_report_load_failed), (nautilus_view_set_title),
    	(nautilus_view_go_back): These functions now simply queue the work
    	that needs to be done.
    	* src/nautilus-view-frame-corba.c: (free_location_plus_callback):
    	Add a new field for the "from_location" needed for redirect.
    	(report_redirect): The actual function to do the work.
    	(impl_Nautilus_ViewFrame_report_redirect): Queue function.
    	* src/nautilus-view-frame.h:
    	* src/nautilus-view-frame-private.h:
    	* src/nautilus-view-frame.c:
    	(nautilus_view_frame_initialize_class): Create report_redirect
    	(nautilus_view_frame_report_redirect): Emit the signal.
    	* src/nautilus-window-manage-views.c: (report_redirect_callback):
    	Code to implement the redirect. For now this does the exact same
    	thing as report_location_change. This is where all the remaining
    	work to fix the bug goes.
    	* components/mozilla/nautilus-mozilla-content-view.c:
    	(view_load_location_callback), (mozilla_title_changed_callback),
    	(mozilla_net_start_callback), (mozilla_net_stop_callback),
    	(mozilla_link_message_callback), (mozilla_progress_callback),
    	(navigate_mozilla_to_nautilus_uri), (update_nautilus_uri),
    	(eazel_services_scheme_from_http): Remove the "async" calls that
    	defer calls until timeout time now that NautilusView itself does
    	that for all components.
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-gtk-extensions.h:
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-gtk-extensions.c:
    	Added new marshal function needed for report_redirect.
    	Other changes.
    	* THANKS: Add some more contributors, after running the script
    	to detect new ChangeLog entries.
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