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  • Darin Adler's avatar
    Finished task 54 (Set background image by drag/drop). · cd9618f0
    Darin Adler authored
    	Fixed bug 346 (Bad icon positions when you change user level).
    	Fixed bug 372 (Better icons for common file types).
    	* libnautilus/nautilus-background-canvas-group.c:
    	(nautilus_background_canvas_group_draw): Got rid of the colormap
    	which is not needed now that we use gtk_rgb instead of gtk_color
    	calls. Passed in the corner of the canvas as a parameter to
    	nautilus_background_draw so it knows where the origin of any
    	repeating pattern should be.
    	* libnautilus/nautilus-background.h:
    	* libnautilus/nautilus-background.c: (nautilus_background_draw):
    	Added parameters to determine where the origin of any repeating
    	pattern should be. Removed colormap parameter (see above).
    	(nautilus_background_draw_flat_box): Passed in origin parameters
    	in call to nautilus_background_draw.
    	* libnautilus/nautilus-gdk-extensions.h:
    	* libnautilus/nautilus-gdk-extensions.c:
    	(nautilus_fill_rectangle_with_gradient): Removed colormap
    	parameter (see above).
    	* libnautilus/nautilus-gdk-pixbuf-extensions.c:
    	(nautilus_gdk_pixbuf_render_to_drawable_tiled): Fixed the tiling
    	so it will use the dither parameters to set the origin of the
    	tiles as well.
    	* libnautilus/nautilus-icon-dnd.c: (receive_dropped_tile_image),
    	(nautilus_icon_container_receive_dropped_icons): Added code so that
    	dropping an image file on the window with the shift key held down
    	will customize the background tile image.
    	* libnautilus/nautilus-icon-factory.c: (make_full_icon_path),
    	(get_themed_icon_file_path): Fixed two bugs that prevented
    	MIME-type-based icons from working correctly. First, got rid of
    	code that tried to prepend the theme name and "nautilus/" to the
    	beginning of a full path. Then made sure that it tries the file
    	name without adding a suffix before it starts trying out suffixes.
    	* libnautilus/nautilus-icon-grid.c: (nautilus_icon_grid_clear):
    	Fixed bug where clearing the grid was resetting the visible width.
    	* components/sample/
    	* components/services/startup/
    	Turned on -Werror for these two directories.
    	* components/sample/nautilus-sample-content-view.h:
    	* components/sample/nautilus-sample-content-view.c:
    	(nautilus_sample_content_view_destroy), (bonobo_sample_callback):
    	Fixed warnings and did some small cleanup.