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  • Eskil Heyn Olsen's avatar
    Small program to test the gtk+ version of the installer. · cb170d00
    Eskil Heyn Olsen authored
    	* components/services/install/command-line/
    	* components/services/install/command-line/eazel-alt-install.c:
    	Small program to test the gtk+ version of the installer.
    	(set_parameters_from_command_line), (main):
    	* components/services/install/idl/trilobite-eazel-install.idl:
    	* components/services/install/lib/
    	* components/services/install/lib/eazel-install-object.c:
    	(trilobite_eazel_install_get_type), (trilobite_eazel_install_new),
    	(create_temporary_directory), (fetch_remote_package_list),
    	* components/services/install/lib/eazel-install-private.h:
    	* components/services/install/lib/eazel-install-public.h:
    	Created a gtk+ object for the installer. Will be needed for the ui
    	object to do callbacks for the progress bars
    	* components/services/install/lib/eazel-install-metadata.c:
    	(xml_doc_sanity_checks), (init_default_install_configuration),
    	* components/services/install/lib/eazel-install-xml-package-list.c:
    	Removed various g_errors and g_asserts and replaced them
    	with some sort of return code (boolean or NULL)
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