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  • Darin Adler's avatar
    Another cut on the desktop. Way closer. · 91fc8d21
    Darin Adler authored
    	* libnautilus-extensions/
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-generous-bin.h:
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-generous-bin.c:
    	Added a new class NautilusGenerousBin. This is a GtkBin
    	subclass that gives its entire allocation to its child.
    	Used both in the widgetry for desktop windows and as a
    	base class for NautilusViewFrame for now.
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-gnome-extensions.c:
    	(turn_on_line_wrap_flag), (turn_on_line_wrap_flag_callback):
    	Changed to use gtk_container_foreach instead of the old
    	gtk_container_children, since I now understand that the
    	latter is just a convenience cover for the former.
    	* src/
    	* src/nautilus-window-state.c: [removed]
    	* src/nautilus-window-state.h: [removed]
    	The only function in here was a wonky one that did goto_uri
    	of go_home depending on the parameter. Changed the callers
    	and things got clearer anyway.
    	* src/nautilus-application.h:
    	* src/nautilus-application.c: (display_caveat),
    	* src/nautilus-main.c: (main):
    	Changed rules about which windows are created on startup. This
    	puts us into a slightly bad state because it's now easy to
    	create a desktop window with no way to get rid of it.
    	* src/nautilus-desktop-window.h:
    	* src/nautilus-desktop-window.c:
    	(nautilus_desktop_window_initialize), (destroy), (realize):
    	A better cut at the desktop window creation that now mostly works.
    	* src/nautilus-main.c: (main):
    	Changed the "--desktop" option's name to "--manage-desktop".
    	* src/nautilus-view-frame.h:
    	* src/nautilus-view-frame.c:
    	Changed to use NautilusGenerousBin as base class. Also use the
    	Nautilus boilerplate macros.
    	* src/nautilus-window-manage-views.c:
    	Use goto_uri instead of set_initial_state.
    	* src/nautilus-window-private.h:
    	* src/nautilus-window.h:
    	* src/nautilus-window.c: (nautilus_window_go_home):
    	Make go_home public and move the actual code needed to go to the
    	home package into the function.
    	* src/nautilus-window.c: (nautilus_window_constructed):
    	Reduced the amount of hackery on behalf of the desktop window and
    	used the NautilusGenerousBin class.
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