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  • Andy Hertzfeld's avatar
    fixed bug 5657, crash during menu update when switching views. This is · 75ac9bf9
    Andy Hertzfeld authored
    	* src/nautilus-window-manage-views.c: (change_state_at_idle),
    	fixed bug 5657, crash during menu update when switching views.  This is
    	also behind several other reported bugs.  Fixed it as Darin suggested,
    	which is to defer the window state change associated with loading
    	a new component until idle time, so it doesn't wreak havoc
    	by interrupting other idle routines.
    	* components/throbber/nautilus-throbber.c:
    	(nautilus_throbber_initialize_class), (get_bonobo_properties),
    	(set_bonobo_properties), (nautilus_throbber_destroy),
    	added a location property and made it issue a notification when the
    	throbber is clicked on.  Also, removed the no longer used
    	"location_changed" signal and better memory management of the
    	property bag.
    	* src/nautilus-window.c: (throbber_location_changed_callback),
    	(nautilus_window_constructed), (nautilus_window_destroy):
    	make clicking on the throbber work by adding a listener for
    	the throbber location property and changing the location
    	accordingly when the event is posted.  Also, fixed a leak
    	of the bonobo object.
    	* src/nautilus-window-private.h:
    	added a field to hold the event source listener ID.