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  • Seth Nickell's avatar
    Load filesystems from an XML file rather than hardcoding the various · 64ff8e32
    Seth Nickell authored
    2001-08-14  Seth Nickell  <>
    	Load filesystems from an XML file rather than hardcoding
    	the various attributes and behaviors. Some properties, such
    	as for CDDA and NFS, are still hardcoded because they require
    	actual code. This also makes it easier to add new filesystems.
    	* libnautilus-private/filesystem-attributes.xml
    	Filesystem description file.
    	* libnautilus-private/
    	Add filesystem-attribute.xml to the build.
    	* libnautilus-private/nautilus-volume-monitor.c:
    	Don't try to detect filesystem strings and associate them
    	with an enumeration type...nix the enumeration altogether
    	since its not compatible with dynamically loading the
    	(get_xml_path), (load_filesystem_attributes_table)
    	Functions for reading in filesystem-attribute.xml and
    	loading the various filesystems into a hashtable.
    	Read in the fi...
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