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  • Maciej Stachowiak's avatar
    Add VFS_CFLAGS · 5c8338b8
    Maciej Stachowiak authored
    	* components/tree/ Add VFS_CFLAGS
    	* components/tree/main.c (main): Initialize more libraries.
    	* components/tree/nautilus-tree-view.h,
    	components/tree/nautilus-tree-view.c: Many changes. The upshot is
    	that basic tree loading now works, but many details remain to be
    	fleshed out (individual bugs were filed on these).
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-directory-async.c:
    	(dequeue_pending_idle_callback), (directory_load_done): Try to
    	emit done signal exactly once when a monitor load is complete. But
    	I think this might be questionable, see below.
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-directory-private.h,
    	libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-directory.c: Add the
    	"done_loading" signal for when a load initiated by monitoring is
    	done. I just realized this does the wrong thing when more than one
    	thing is monitoring at the same time (both get the signal), so
    	maybe it should be changed to a callback function passed to
    	nautilus_file_monitor_add, but that would be harder to implement.
    	(nautilus_directory_emit_done_loading): Function so the async code
    	can emit it.
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