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  • Ondrej Holy's avatar
    desktop: Add application/zstd to supported mime-types · 92f088a3
    Ondrej Holy authored
    Currently, it isn't possible to use Nautilus for the extraction of the
    ".zstd" and ".tar.zst" archives. However, it seems that this compression
    is supported by the libarchive library nowadays. Let's add the
    `application/zstd` and `application/x-zstd-compressed-tar` mime-types
    to the list of supported. This will allow Nautilus to show the "Extract"
    and "Extract to..."  actions. Also, bump the gnome-autoar dependency to
    the version with a corresponding change.
    Related: GNOME/gnome-autoar!38
    Fixes: GNOME/nautilus#2860