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  • John Sullivan's avatar
    Fixed bug 1476 (Using bogus local bookmark should update · 2bef7d2c
    John Sullivan authored
    	its icon). The specific bug led me to changing some of
    	the internals of NautilusBookmark in a way that has nice
    	UI consequences. Now if you use Nautilus to move a bookmarked
    	file, the bookmark will continue to find the moved file, and
    	if you delete a file, the bookmark's icon will change to the
    	"missing location" icon.
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-bookmark.c:
    	(nautilus_bookmark_connect_file): New helper functions that
    	handle wiring or unwiring the connection between a bookmark
    	and its NautilusFile.
    	(nautilus_bookmark_destroy): Use nautilus_bookmark_disconnect_file.
    	(nautilus_bookmark_new_with_icon): Use nautilus_bookmark_connect_file.
    	(bookmark_file_changed_callback): Notice changes in the file's URI
    	and update the bookmark to use the new URI; notice when the file
    	is gone and disconnect/reconnect to file.
    	Miscellaneous tweaks:
    	* src/file-manager/fm-search-list-view.c:
    	(compute_reveal_item_name_and_sensitivity): At the suggestion of
    	a localizer (menthos), added explanatory comments before the use
    	of "Reveal in New Window" and "Reveal in <n> New Windows". It turns
    	out that a comment just before a translatable text string will
    	appear in the .pot files that localizers use.
    	* src/nautilus-first-time-druid.c: (set_up_user_level_page):
    	Fixed two misspellings of "technical" and one missing period. Thanks
    	to menthos for pointing these out.
    	* src/nautilus-window-menus.c:
    	(show_bogus_bookmark_window): Use nautilus_format_uri_for_display
    	for bookmark uris shown in user messages. Simplify the message you
    	get if you choose a known-bogus URI from the Go menu.