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  • John Sullivan's avatar
    More work on bug 1750 ("Reveal in New Window" feature for · 298b6cc9
    John Sullivan authored
    	search results). Now it opens a new window with the right
    	item selected. The only remaining work is to make the new
    	window scroll as necessary to reveal the item.
    	Along the way, fixed an unreported bug where the selection
    	wasn't being maintained on view switches.
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-gtk-extensions.h:
    	added #define for nautilus_gtk_marshal_NONE__STRING_POINTER.
    	* libnautilus/nautilus-view-component.idl:
    	Added open_in_new_window_and_select call.
    	* libnautilus/nautilus-view.h,
    	* libnautilus/nautilus-view.c:
    	* src/nautilus-view-frame-corba.c:
    	* src/nautilus-view-frame-private.h:
    	* src/nautilus-view-frame.c:
    	* src/nautilus-view-frame.h: Wired together the various
    	pieces to get open_in_new_window_and_select across CORBA
    	and into the view frame.
    	* src/nautilus-window.h: added pending_selection field
    	* src/nautilus-window-manage-views.h: added
    	* src/nautilus-window.c:
    	(nautilus_window_connect_view): Wiring to connect view
    	frame signals to window.
    	(nautilus_window_destroy): free pending_selection
    	* src/nautilus-window-manage-views.c:
    	(nautilus_window_update_view): Changed call from
    	nautilus_window_report_selection_changed to
    	nautilus_view_frame_selection_changed. This was the source
    	of the selection-not-preserved-across-view-changes bug.
    	Darin came up with this fix.
    	(open_location): Added a new_selection parameter to this
    	bottleneck function. It is set as the pending_selection
    	in the window.
    	(nautilus_window_report_location_change): Update existing
    	callers of open_location to pass NULL for new_selection parameter.
    	(nautilus_window_open_in_new_window_and_select): New function,
    	calls open_location with a selection (among other parameters).
    	(nautilus_window_update_state): When loading a new location, set
    	the location to pending_selection rather than NULL (and clear
    	pending_selection later so it doesn't unnecessarily hang around).
    	* src/file-manager/fm-search-list-view.c:
    	Call open_in_new_window_and_select instead of just