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  • Pavel Cisler's avatar
    Added a Duplicate menu item. (task 329) · 1eaceba2
    Pavel Cisler authored
    2000-04-12  Pavel Cisler <>
    	* src/file-manager/fm-directory-view.c:
    	(fm_directory_duplicate_selection), (bonobo_menu_duplicate_cb),
    	(append_uri_one), (duplicate_cb), (fm_directory_view_real_update_menus):
    	Added a Duplicate menu item. (task 329)
    	* src/file-manager/dfos-xfer.c:
    	Added support for the duplicate command. Passing in a NULL for
    	target directory now starts a duplicate operation.
    	* src/file-manager/dfos-xfer.c:
    	Made the progress dialog receive the text for the setup state. Pass
    	in proper text for copy and move operations.
    	* src/file-manager/dfos-xfer.c:
    	Pin the values of the bytes_copied to the preflight maximum -- a copy
    	may end up copying more than it estimated when items are added to
    	the hierarchy after the copy started. (I was hitting this when copying
    	a folder into itself, which is a separate bug).