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  • Carlos Soriano Sánchez's avatar
    settings: open folders on dnd by default · 16b3460c
    Carlos Soriano Sánchez authored
    I have been going back and forward on this. And even if
    I strongly think this is not good enough to be in the default
    installation of Nautilus, removing 'features' or behaviors that
    users were used to without providing a good alternative is even worse.
    Probably Nautilus didn't have such high standards when this was
    implemented, and this behavior was accepted even that emails from
    usability and accessibility were asking to not do it, but it was done
    given that no alternative was possible because of Apple patents on
    'spring folders'.
    So final decision from my side and after discussing it with some
    people, is to continue shipping it by default until we have a better
    The setting will be still there as 'open-folder-on-dnd-hover' and
    can be modified by the user using dconf.
    Discussions for better solution will be followed in