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  • Alexander Larsson's avatar
    Always use the in-process metafile factory. We don't need it oop, since · 11ad437c
    Alexander Larsson authored
    2006-11-03  Alexander Larsson  <>
    	* libnautilus-private/nautilus-directory-metafile.c:
    	Always use the in-process metafile factory. We don't need it
    	oop, since nautilus is single process these days. This fixes
    	some strange races with bonobo-activation that caused #351713
    	* src/nautilus-application.[ch]:
    	* src/nautilus-shell.h:
    	Change the way we use bonobo-activation to get the NautilusShell
    	so that we don't rely on bonobo-activation-server to spawn nautilus,
    	as this could lead to some strange duplicate processes.
    	We now directly try to register the app-wide shell object with
    	bonobo-activation manually and activate it with
    	* src/nautilus-shell.c:
    	Handle all corba calls from the NautilusShell in an idle handler.
    	This fixes some crashes where we reentered badly into e.g. quit
    	when calling gconf.
    	* src/nautilus-main.c:
    	Since we now handle the initial open_window shell calls via an idle
    	we need to delay until idle time to know if we can quit or not.
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