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  • Pavel Cisler's avatar
    Bug 1792 - "New Terminal" command in menus. Added a menu item to the · 0c1ccd7e
    Pavel Cisler authored
    2000-07-27  Pavel Cisler  <>
    	* src/file-manager/fm-desktop-icon-view.c:
    	Bug 1792 - "New Terminal" command in menus.
    	Added a menu item to the desktop context menu to start a new
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-gnome-extensions.c:
    	* libnautilus-extensions/nautilus-gnome-extensions.h:
    	(max_open_files), (nautilus_gnome_terminal_shell_execute),
    	For the above, added a call to launch a new Terminal, pieced together
    	from the origina GMC code, getting rid of some cruft we do not
    	need and using stock glib calls where possible.
    	* src/file-manager/fm-directory-view.c:
    	(new_folder_menu_item_callback), (fm_directory_view_add_menu_item),
    	* src/file-manager/fm-directory-view.h:
    	Did a part of 1063 - "The right click desktop menu needs more commands
    	to match gmc" that is not covered by a separate bug - added a "New
    	Folder" menu item.
    	Fixes 1065 and 1067.
    	* src/file-manager/dfos-xfer-progress-dialog.c:
    	(create_titled_label), (dfos_xfer_progress_dialog_initialize):
    	Complete task 1504 - Copy progress dialog needs a visual redesign.
    	Made it so that the Copying:, From: and To: lines are packed more
    	snugly, as per the design. The spacing of the original GtkLabels
    	was too spacy.
    	Used a non-zero border to offset the items more from the dialog edges
    	to make it look more as designed.
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