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  • Emmanuele Bassi's avatar
    units: Cache the pixels value inside Units · 83b4ec7a
    Emmanuele Bassi authored
    When computing the pixels value of a ClutterUnits value we should
    be caching the value to avoid recomputing for every call of
    clutter_units_to_pixels(). We already have a flag telling us to
    return the cached value, but we miss the mechanism to evict the
    cache whenever the Backend settings affecting the conversion, that
    is default font and resolution, change.
    In order to implement the eviction we can use a "serial"; the
    Backend will have an internal serial field which we retrieve and
    put inside the ClutterUnits structure (we split one of the two
    64 bit padding fields into two 32 bit fields to maintain ABI); every
    time we call clutter_units_to_pixels() we compare the units serial
    with that of the Backend; if they match and pixels_set is set to
    TRUE then we just return the stored pixels value. If the serials
    do not match then we unset the pixels_set flag and recompute the
    pixels value.
    We can verify this by adding a simple test unit checking that
    by changing the resolution of ClutterBackend we get different
    pixel values for 1 em.