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  • Havoc Pennington's avatar
    if in the title rect check for y <= TOP_RESIZE_HEIGHT · e74969bd
    Havoc Pennington authored
    2002-08-20  Havoc Pennington  <>
    	* src/frames.c (get_control): if in the title rect check for y
    	* src/display.c (meta_spew_event): put x/y coordinates in spew for
    	enter/leave notify
    	* src/frames.c (meta_frames_motion_notify_event): move cursor
    	changing from here to update_prelit_control so it happens on enter
    	notify as well
    	(get_control): change test "y < TOP_RESIZE_HEIGHT" to
    	* src/ (EXTRA_DIST): include .in files in EXTRA_DIST
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