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  • Emmanuele Bassi's avatar
    keysyms: Update the macros to CLUTTER_KEY_* · 4ee05f8e
    Emmanuele Bassi authored
    The keysyms defines in clutter-keysyms.h are generated from the X11 key
    symbols headers by doing the equivalent of a pass of sed from XK_* to
    CLUTTER_*. This might lead to namespace collisions, down the road.
    Instead, we should use the CLUTTER_KEY_* namespace.
    This commit includes the script, taken from GDK, that parses the X11
    key symbols and generates two headers:
      - clutter-keysyms.h: the default included header, with CLUTTER_KEY_*
      - clutter-keysyms-compat.h: the compatibility header, with CLUTTER_*
    The compat.h header file is included if CLUTTER_DISABLE_DEPRECATED is
    not defined - essentially deprecating all the old key symbols.
    This does not change any ABI and, assuming that an application or
    library is not compiling with CLUTTER_DISABLE_DEPRECATED, the source
    compatibility is still guaranteed.