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  • Carlos Garnacho's avatar
    wayland: Honor startup sequence workspace on .request_focus · bbfaf820
    Carlos Garnacho authored and Georges Basile Stavracas Neto's avatar Georges Basile Stavracas Neto committed
    We handle this in backend specific code for x11, so do the wayland
    bits here. We can only honor this on applications that request focus
    on a surface after a startup request, as we do need an explicit
    surface to apply the workspace on (and we don't have additional clues
    like WMCLASS on X11). Notably, gtk_shell1.notify_startup doesn't suffice.
    Another gotcha is that the .request_focus happens when the surface is
    already "mapped". Due to the way x11 and the GDK api currently work (first
    reply on the startup id, then map a window, then request focus on that
    window). This means the surface will ignore at this point
    window->initial_workspace, so it must be actively changed.
    Closes: gnome-shell#674