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  • Robert Bragg's avatar
    Adds experimental clutter_backend_get_cogl_context API · 2f188556
    Robert Bragg authored
    This adds experimental API to be able to get the CoglContext associated
    with the ClutterBackend. The CoglContext is required to use some of the
    experimental 2.0 Cogl API.
    Note: Since CoglContext is itself experimental API this API should
    considered experimental too. This patch introduces a
    CLUTTER_ENABLE_EXPERIMENTAL_API #ifdef guard which anyone wanting to use
    this API must define so it's explicitly clear to developers that they
    are playing with experimental API.
    Note: This API is not yet supported on OSX because OSX still uses the
    stub Cogl winsys and the Clutter backend doesn't explicitly create a
    Note: even though this is experimental API we still promise that it
    wont be changed during a stable release cycle. This means for example
    that you can depend on this for the lifetime of the clutter-1.8 stable
    release cycle.