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  • Rob Adams's avatar
    only move on MRU list if the window belongs on the workspace, since the · 16a8add6
    Rob Adams authored
    2004-02-27  Rob Adams  <>
    	* src/window.c (meta_window_notify_focus): only move on MRU list
    	if the window belongs on the workspace, since the FocusIn event
    	could be for a window whose workspace we've since switched away
    	from.  Possible fix for #122016.
    	* src/workspace.c (meta_workspace_contains_window): search for the
    	workspace in window->workspaces rather than the window in
    	workspace->windows.  Since the number of workspaces is at most 36,
    	this is a O(1) lookup rather than a O(n) lookup.  Sorry; couldn't
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