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[3.28] screen: Destroy window actors after windows while unmanaging compositor

Marco Trevisan requested to merge 3v1n0/mutter:unmanage-actors-3-28 into gnome-3-28

After commit 2e64457f we destroy window actors as part of compositor destruction, however this might emit 'actor-removed' signals on window groups that the shell could use to access to resources that are already free'd at this point (like the destroyed screen, in gnome-shell's Panel._updateSolidStyle()).

So, destroy the window actors as part of compositor unmanage step, just after that all the windows are unmanaged (as they need to have an actor around).

Closes #652 (closed)

This doesn't apply to master as per screen removal, thus the problem isn't the same

Edited by Marco Trevisan

Merge request reports