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[40] renderer/native: Clear old KMS updates on views rebuild

Jonas Ådahl requested to merge cherry-pick-8e91c629-2 into gnome-40

If there are any pending updates, for example if we painted one of multiple monitors but without having posted the update due to waiting for another monitor to be painted, but before we paint all of them and post the update, another hotplug event happens, we'd have stale pending KMS update. When that update eventually would be processed, we'd try to apply out-of-date updates which may contain freed memory.

Fix this by discarding any update when we're rebuilding the views. We can be sure not to need any of the old updates since we're rebuilding the whole content anyway.

Closes: #1928 (closed) Part-of: !2216 (merged)

(cherry picked from commit 8e91c629)

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