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wayland/subsurface: Only show subsurface if parent is mapped

Robert Mader requested to merge rmader/mutter:issue1384 into master

The spec states:

A sub-surface becomes mapped, when a non-NULL wl_buffer is applied
and the parent surface is mapped. The order of which one happens
first is irrelevant. A sub-surface is hidden if the parent becomes hidden,
or if a NULL wl_buffer is applied. These rules apply recursively
through the tree of surfaces.

In the past we relied on Clutter actor behaviour to realize the recursive part - which then broke in !664 (merged) when we changed the actor hierachy in regards to subsurfaces.

Explicitly encode the desired behaviour in MetaWaylandSubsurface, fixing the issue and making it future proof.

Closes #1384 (closed)

Merge request reports