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  • Sebastian Keller's avatar
    x11/display: Always use meta_display_set_input_focus() for focus change · a66b4c3d
    Sebastian Keller authored and Marge Bot's avatar Marge Bot committed
    X11 server side focus changes, such as when a focus change was requested
    by mutter for a globally active window, did not go through
    meta_display_set_input_focus(), which is responsible for emitting the
    `focus-window` signal. Since this signal is what triggers the display
    server specific code to handle focus changes, this was leading to a
    problem on Wayland where the focus remained on the last active Wayland
    window when the focus got changed to a globally active XWayland window.
    This commit now changes handling X11 server side focus changes to also
    go through the code path that emits the signal while making sure to not
    trigger another focus change and keeping the same serials as the
    previous code to not interfere with future focus changes.
    Closes: #3328
    Part-of: <!3651>