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  • Robert Bragg's avatar
    [stage-x11] Ensure viewport is initialized before first stage paint · f8f88737
    Robert Bragg authored
    This ensures that glViewport is called before the first stage paint.
    Previously _clutter_stage_maybe_setup_viewport (which is done before we
    start painting) was bailing out without calling cogl_setup_viewport because
    the CLUTTER_STAGE_IN_RESIZE flag may be set if the stage was resized before
    the first paint.  (NB: The CLUTTER_STAGE_IN_RESIZE flag isn't removed until
    we get an explicit event back from the X server since the window manager may
    choose to deny/alter the resize.)
    We now special case the first resize - where the viewport hasn't previously
    been initialized and use the requested geometry to initialize the
    glViewport without waiting for a reply from the server.