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  • Daniel van Vugt's avatar
    clutter/master-clock: Remove fallback throttles · e415cc53
    Daniel van Vugt authored and Georges Basile Stavracas Neto's avatar Georges Basile Stavracas Neto committed
    The presentation timing logic (via `master_clock_get_swap_wait_time`) now
    works unconditionally. By "works" we mean that a result of zero from
    `master_clock_get_swap_wait_time` actually means zero now. Previously
    zero could mean either a successful result of zero milliseconds or that
    the backend couldn't get an answer. And a non-zero result is the same as
    This works even if the screen is "idle" and even if the backend doesn't
    provide presentation timestamps. So now our two fallback throttling
    mechanisms of relying on `CLUTTER_FEATURE_SWAP_THROTTLE` and decimating
    to `clutter_get_default_frame_rate` can be deleted.
    Closes: #406 and