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  • Carlos Garnacho's avatar
    clutter: Drop click count from button events · 3d37602c
    Carlos Garnacho authored
    This does two things to frown upon:
    - Modifies ClutterEvent structs, while the effort is to have those
      completely opaque, and readonly after creation from the input
      thread side.
    - Stores state in the ClutterInputDevice struct, event though those
      are also considered static after creation, managed by the input
      thread, etc.
    Stop doing that. This makes all events just forwarded as-is in
    the ClutterStage/clutter-main.c code.
    Handling of click count sounds like material for a ClutterGestureAction
    (or perhaps ClutterClickAction), all of both callers now do it in place
    at the moment, while gestures lack a better state tracking and management.
    Part-of: <GNOME/mutter!2024>