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  • Jonas Ådahl's avatar
    xwayland: Set libX11 error handlers to no-ops before terminating · b71f52ff
    Jonas Ådahl authored and Marge Bot's avatar Marge Bot committed
    We might not be the only entity holding on to the X11 GdkDisplay,
    meaning the X11 connection will stay alive indefinitely, e.g. if the gjs
    context has some reference to it.
    Avoid running into issues due to X11 connection errors by setting the
    libX11 handlers to no-ops, so when we are terminating; that means the
    GDK X11 connection can stay "alive" until its too late, and we'll just
    silently ignore any connection errors that may happen due to the
    lingering GDK display reference.
    Part-of: <!1822>