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  • Olivier Fourdan's avatar
    settings: Slack off “xwayland-allow-grabs” setting · c9cc07fd
    Olivier Fourdan authored
    To emulate X11 grabs, mutter as a Wayland compositor would disable its
    own keyboard shortcuts and when the X11 window is an override redirect
    window (which never receives focus), it also forces keyboard focus onto
    that X11 O-R window so that all keyboard events are routed to the
    window, just like an X11 server would.
    But that's a bit of a “all-or-nothing” approach which prevents
    applications that would legitimately grab the keyboard under X11 (like
    virtual machine viewers) to work by default.
    Change “xwayland-allow-grabs” to control whether the keyboard focus
    should be locked onto override redirect windows in case of an X11 grab.
    For stringent needs, careful users can still use the blacklisting
    feature (i.e. a list containing “!*”) to prevent grabs from any X11
    applications to affect other Wayland native applications.