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  • Havoc Pennington's avatar
    handle the client having a shape mask, fixes #101806 · 6cfcc013
    Havoc Pennington authored
    2003-01-05  Havoc Pennington  <>
    	* src/frames.c (meta_frames_apply_shapes): handle
    	the client having a shape mask, fixes #101806
    	* src/core.c (meta_core_get_client_xwindow): new function
    	* src/frame.c, src/frame.h: keep a flag for whether we need to
    	update the frame shape
    	* src/window.c (meta_window_new): select for ShapeNotify
    	* src/display.h, src/display.c: actually query the shape
    	extension, instead of just using it all over the place.
    	* src/prefs.c (update_application_based): don't let people turn on
    	application_based, as it just causes funky bugs. We can reenable
    	the pref when/if it ever does something useful.
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