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  • Emmanuele Bassi's avatar
    [stage] Rework the Stage implementation class · 6988744d
    Emmanuele Bassi authored
    Instead of using ClutterActor for the base class of the Stage
    implementation we should extend the StageWindow interface with
    the required bits (geometry, realization) and use a simple object
    This require a wee bit of changes across Backend, Stage and
    StageWindow, even though it's mostly re-shuffling.
    First of all, StageWindow should get new virtual functions:
      * geometry:
        - resize()
        - get_geometry()
      * realization
        - realize()
        - unrealize()
    This covers all the bits that we use from ClutterActor currently
    inside the stage implementations.
    The ClutterBackend::create_stage() virtual function should create
    a StageWindow, and not an Actor (it should always have been; the
    fact that it returned an Actor was a leak of the black magic going
    on underneath). Since we never guaranteed ABI compatibility for
    the Backend class, this is not a problem.
    Internally to ClutterStage we can finally drop the shenanigans of
    setting/unsetting actor flags on the implementation: if the realization
    succeeds, for instance, we set the REALIZED flag on the Stage and
    we're done.
    As an initial proof of concept, the X11 and GLX stage implementations
    have been ported to the New World Order(tm) and show no regressions.