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  • Jonas Ådahl's avatar
    wayland: Restructure surface role building blocks code · 704b73b0
    Jonas Ådahl authored
    This commit moves out non-core wl_surface related code into separate
    code units, while renaming types to fit a common scheme. The changes
    done are:
     * ClutterActor based surface roles built upon
       MetaWalyandSurfaceRoleActorSurface. This object has been renamed to
       MetaWaylandActorSurface and related functionality has moved into
     * The code related to roles backed by a MetaWindow (i.e. built upon
       MetaWaylandShellSurface) was moved into meta-wayland-shell-surface.c
     * The majority of subsurface related code was moved into into
       meta-wayland-subsurface.c and the object was renamed