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  • Dan Winship's avatar
    window: fix appears-focused propagation with attached grandchildren · 48cabd13
    Dan Winship authored
    When detaching/attaching a dialog, we were only updating
    appears-focused on the parent if the child itself was focused, but in
    fact, we need to do it if the child has an attached child which is
    focused too.
    To simplify the case of detaching a focused subtree from its parent,
    we change meta_window_propagate_focus_appearance() to use
    @window->display->focus_window as the window to add/remove as the
    attached_focus_window, and @window only as the starting point to
    propagate from. That way we can propagate focus-removal up to
    @window's (soon-to-be-ex-)ancestors without having to remove it from
    its descendants as well.